E3 #32. Jesus Calls Levi


Luke 5:27-32

Tax collectors were considered to be a criminal element in the Jewish community. They were employed by the Roman government and were typically corrupt and heartless. They lined their pockets with the livelihood of the people they were supposed to serve.

Jesus no doubt turned a lot of heads when he called out Levi (Matthew), a tax collector, as one of his disciples. Jesus was not afraid of what others thought, nor was he a respecter of persons. His heart was and still is, to make disciples of all who would simply follow him. That’s exactly what Levi did. He left everything to follow Jesus.

What does this say about those that we reach out to with the good news? Do we tend to stick to people like us? Are you willing to break out of your circle of friends and share the good news of Jesus with everyone, no matter their social or economic station in life? That is exactly what Jesus would do.

Prayer: Abba Father, it is our privilege to share the good news of Jesus with all that you send us to. Would You give me grace to go beyond my social group and all that’s familiar in order to reach the lost, broken and forgotten? In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

E3 #31. The Paralytic


Mark 2:1-12

There was something about the words that Jesus spoke. He ministered with authority and the word on the street was this man could literally heal the sick, work miracles and drive out demons. One man in the crowd needed a touch from Jesus, but it didn’t look like he could even get to him because of the multitude.

Desperation will drive you to do what you would not normally do. So four friends had the vision and passion to bypass protocol and courtesy because their friend needed to be close to this man who was known to heal the sick and restore the broken.

So, off came the roof. Whatever it might take, they were determined to get their friend into the presence of the One who gave hope to so many. They must have looked ridiculous scaling the roof and tearing it off piece by piece in a flurry of hope, promise and expectation.

Then their out of the box exercise caught the attention of Jesus. Something amazing was about to happen and I’m sure the friends held their breath as they laid it all on the line. Jesus responded to their belief and saw their faith. Their friend walked out of the house with the hole in the roof. The roof was destroyed but the man was now whole.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for including out-of-the-box stories like this in the scriptures. You teach us that the call to follow Jesus is a call to an unusual and extraordinary life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

E3 #30. Herd of Pigs


Matthew 8:28-34

My wife and I were asked to serve on the prayer ministry team at our church. We were honored to do so. One Sunday morning during a particularly powerful worship service, a married couple approached us for prayer. They did not have to announce themselves, but we knew they were influential people.

Real authority never has to be announced, heralded or declared. It just shows up and all know there is someone packing heat in their midst. Real authority does not require drama or theatrics. Jesus walked in authentic authority and never felt compelled to announce his arrival.

He stepped onto the shore and two men who were teeming with demonic activity immediately reacted to his presence. Did these demonic personalities react to Jesus’ disciples? No. To his impressive boat? No. To his amazing fashion sense? No. To the tone and volume of his voice? No.

They were arrested by the authority that Jesus walked in. When you understand your identity in Christ and the authority that resides in you, all of hell will tremble when you wake up in the morning. No need for a show, just show up armed with the word of God and presence of God. They will run from you too.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for conferring your authority upon us and giving us Jesus’ example of how to exercise your authority with wisdom an integrity. Thank you for trusting us with your power, strength, ability and favor. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

E3 #29. Calming the Storm


Luke 8:22-25

I always thought the popular children’s story, Chicken Little, said much more about me as an adult than as a child. We are prone to react at the first hint that something isn’t working out quite like we planned. Our first move is to cry out, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”

The disciples of Jesus weren’t any different. As water began to come over the sides of their boat, their first reaction was to cry out, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” A clever translator might say this is greek for, “The sky is falling!” The point is they forgot who was in the boat with them. How quickly we forget that Jesus is in our boat too.

It is then that we default to life-before-Jesus i.e. panic mode. We assume that Jesus is asleep and we hear in our head, “Ladies and gentlemen, Jesus has left the building.” We recoil in fear and mentally run a hundred worst case scenarios.

The good news is Jesus is still in your boat and he’s asleep because he has no fear of what’s to come. He knows the end from the beginning. Like the bumper sticker says, “IGBOK… It’s Gonna Be Okay.” The lesson is simple. Trust that Jesus is in your boat and has your situation under control. There’s no need to wake him up.

Prayer: Abba Father, I am prone to panic. Would you gently remind me the next time I am tempted to react in the moment that Jesus is occupying space in my boat? May I grow in the truth that Jesus is abiding in me and if he’s asleep that’s a good sign that it’s all gonna be okay. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

E3 #28. Following Jesus


Matthew 8:14-22

It’s common in the world of social media to “follow” another person. There’s no real commitment required, just the click of a mouse and now you are virtual “friends.” This is not what Jesus was alluding to when he said, “Follow me.” The cost would be high. However, the reward even higher.

Have you stopped to count the cost of what it really means to follow Jesus? It may mean that friends, co-workers and even family may not understand that you are willing to lay everything down in order to live for Jesus. It’s not uncommon for those closest to you to be the most critical or “concerned” about your commitment to Christ.

Jesus drew a line in the sand when he responded to the wishes of one disciple to take care of some unfinished business, “And Jesus said to him, ‘Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.'” Shocking? Demanding? Defining. Jesus left no room for a person to remain invested in the affairs of their old life. Will you take the next step to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus?

Prayer: Abba Father, it is clear to me that what You require is all of me and not just a part of me. I commit to come closer to you and give my utmost for Your highest. I am all in with Jesus, whatever that means and whatever it may cost me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

E3 #27. The Official’s Son


John 4:46-54

All of us have been faced with uncertainty, indecision and confusion. It was no different in the first century. This man, a government official, was devastated by the fact that his young son was dying. It’s the greatest fear any parent will ever face. He was desperate and he knew who to call upon for help.

There are several places throughout the Bible that indicate the power of movement. James 4:8 tells us that when we draw near to God, he responds by coming close to us. It was no different in this case. This man sought out Jesus and brought his need to the One who could potentially rise above the natural realm and touch heaven and bring the miraculous.

Jesus responded to man’s plea to come and help his son by simply saying “Go home. Your son will live.” That’s all it took. Just a word from Jesus that changed everything for this man, his son and ultimately his whole family. One word from Jesus can change your life forever.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7 NIV

PrayerAbba Father, thank you for inviting us to come to you in our time of need and by drawing near to you, we find hope, mercy and help. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

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E3 #26. Wise & Foolish Builders

Matthew 7:21-27

It’s sobering to think that after demonstrating piety and religious acts Jesus could still utter these devastating words, “I never knew you.” It’s easy to give this passage a cursory reading and surmise that God is just waiting for us to miss the mark.

But the spirit of this passage has more to do with relationship and fellowship than it does missing heaven due to a bad decision. Don’t get me wrong, Jesus is serious about our commitment to His will and ways, but He’s not watching and waiting for you to blow it.

There’s much more to walking with Jesus than just doing acts of service. We have the privilege of knowing Him and exploring a relationship that is dynamic, exciting and life-changing. Our acts of service actually flow out of the overflow of our relationship with Christ. 

Prayer: Father, my heart is to know you more. Thank you for making a way for me to grow closer to You on a daily basis. Lead me. Teach me. Guide me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

E3 #25. Good Fruit

Matthew 7:15-20

It’s commonplace to hear people say, “Hey, don’t judge me!” I understand our reluctance to pass unrighteous judgement on others. On the other hand, we can overreact and not walk in wisdom when it comes to those we allow into our relational orbit.

Jesus was giving us a baseline on how to determine if those that are speaking into our lives are good or bad. He gives us the wisdom and grace to become fruit inspectors. We have a “Helper” who assists us in discerning good or bad fruit in the person of the Holy Spirit.

Don’t give in to our culture calling “foul” whenever you choose to walk in godly biblical wisdom. Simply be a fruit inspector and weed out those who do not bear godly fruit through their words and actions.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for giving me the ability to judge rightly concerning who I allow to speak into and influence my life. I’m grateful that I have a Helper who gives me wisdom, insight and discernment as I continue my journey in faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! 

E3 #24 Ask Seek Knock

Matthew 7:7-14

I remember a time as a kid that I became fixated on a lime green Schwinn Stingray bicycle. I was consumed. I imagined that bike taking me on adventures all over our community. I went to bed thinking about it and woke up seeing myself riding it.

I approached both of my parents on different occasions and was met with little enthusiasm on their part. I approached my Dad many times with information and specifics about “my” bike.

Weeks and months passed with little to no hint regarding my obsession from my parents. I’ll never forget getting up early on Christmas morning and running into our living room. There it was in all it’s glory! A lime green Schwinn Stingray! That bike brought me years of delight and took me on many adventures.

My parents never said, “No.” It was just not the right time. In this passage, Jesus is teaching us about persistence in prayer and about the Father’s good nature to bring what is needed. The key is timing. Trust that God loves you enough to answer your requests in His own good timing. He is a God of timing, sequence and order… and He is a good Father.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for loving me enough to give me what I request at the right time. Your timing is perfect. Mine is not. I trust Your timing over mine and rest in Your wisdom and goodness toward me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #25 Blog.

E3 #23 Plank & Speck

Matthew 7:1-6

One day my wife was driving our car and she ran over a curb while pulling into a shopping center driveway. I was short with her and barked out my disapproval. It was not one of my finer moments.

About a week after my “moment,” I was driving and was going too fast to make a turn into a store parking lot. You guessed it, I skidded over the curb and bounced our car into the lot. Again, not one of my finer moments.

I was quick to show my disapproval over her small infraction while on the way to destroying the front end of my own car. Isn’t that just like us? We’re quick to fire off criticism, judgement and disapproval and completely miss the fact that we are fully human and capable of colossal failures.

In today’s passage we read that we will be judged with the measure we use toward others. Ouch! It is imperative that we extend the same grace to others that God has given to us. Be quick to encourage and provide lift for others when you’re tempted to judge.

Prayer: Father, thank you for extending grace, mercy and forgiveness to me over and over. I’m humbled and blessed beyond what my mind can comprehend. Holy Spirit, would you help me to be quick to bless and not quick to judge? I’m submitted to your leading and direction in this matter. My heart is to love others well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #24 Blog.

E3 #22. Worry & Treasure

Luke 12:22-34

Worry. Stress. Anxiety. Fear. These are all to real in our world today. Some reactions are legitimate and are God-given as protection, such as an appropriate fear of fire or falling. Others are illegitimate and the source of emotional, physical and spiritual health crises.

Jesus goes straight to the issue in this passage. He speaks to the heart of the matter: lack of trust. We really don’t trust God to do what He says He will do. We perceive that He does not hear our cries, that He doesn’t really care. Or worse, that He is not even real.

How is your “Trust Factor” right now? You can test it by the level of worry, stress, anxiety and fear that you are walking in at this time. If trusting God is your issue. Repent. Turn. Allow His Spirit to come alongside you and change the way you think on this matter. He’s waiting to hear from you.

Prayer: Father, it is clear to me that I have allowed worry, stress, anxiety and fear to dictate and impact my relationship with You. Will You forgive me and help me to change the way I think regarding this issue of trust? This is my first step in letting go of worry and embracing Your grace to help. Thank You for hearing my prayer today! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #23 Blog.

E3 #21. The Samaritan Woman

John 4:4-26

There is something about genuine spiritual hunger and thirst that seem to attract God’s attention. I have said it this way for years, “Nothing moves the hand of God like spiritual hunger.”

Food and water were a big deal for those living in Israel in the first century. They were vital not only for a quality of life, but for survival itself. It’s in this context that Jesus offers the kind of water that not only sustains life, but creates an abundant and overflowing life.

Jesus’ could have easily condemned this woman for her string of disasterous failed marriages and for her current living arrangement, but he doesn’t. Instead Jesus helps her to see her need and provides the answer to the hole in her soul. He is, himself, the answer to the hole in every soul.

Prayer: Father, Thank You for providing the living water of Your Spirit to dwell and abide in me. I am grateful for Your love, mercy and grace. Even as I continue to receive more of this Living Water, may I also be quick to give it away so that others may drink and receive life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Click HERE to go to the E3 #22 Blog.

E3 #20 The Rich Young Fool

Luke 12:16-22

There have been times in my life where I have found myself wallowing in envy over those who had great wealth. It was easy to feel slighted or that I had somehow missed out by not walking in their shoes.

However, while in high school, my best friend’s family was extremely wealthy and I quickly realized that dysfunction is no respecter of socio-economic standing. While my family had less, monetarily speaking, we had great wealth when it came to love, joy, respect and connection.

Jesus refers to this rich man who spent his life accumulating more and more as foolish. Not because he had great wealth but because he was emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. His focus was on himself instead of others and ultimately God. True riches have nothing to do with your bank account and everything to do with your heart.

Jesus teaches us that true wealth is a matter of focus and perspective. And for your information, I no longer envy those who have great material wealth as I have found the greatest treasure in Jesus as my Savior and Lord.

Jim Elliot, missionary and martyr, put it this way, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

Prayer: Father, thank you for the person of Jesus and His teachings. Thank you for preserving these stories through the centuries so that we might continue to learn and grow in grace. Would You grant me the grace to see with true spiritual sight just how wealthy I am in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #21 Blog.

E3 #18. Mary and Martha

Luke 10:38-42

If you have a pulse and breathe oxygen you have been busy, anxious and distracted. Probably today. Martha was being a good host by actively taking care of her guests. After all, Jesus was in the house.

Mary was more concerned about listening and learning than hosting at this time and It was enough to frustrate Martha. So much so that she appealed to Jesus to correct her “lazy” sister. But Jesus saw something different. He saw spiritual hunger and a teachable heart.

Jesus brought clarity to what the real priority was. Mary would be praised for posturing herself at the feet of Jesus as a disciple and Martha would be taught a valuable lesson on priorities. Reject the tyranny of the urgent today and take time to sit at Jesus feet and you too will have chosen the best part.

Prayer: Father, it is my heart to spend time with You today. Even now, I choose to pause and say, “Thank You for allowing me to sit at Jesus’ feet and take on the posture and position of a disciple.” Teach me Your ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #19 Blog.

E3 #15. Bring the Sword

Matthew 10:24-39

My Dad was in the military. He told me stories about boot camp and the concept of turning a “me” into a “we.” It is arduous, intense and life altering, but necessary in order to turn an average man or woman into a great soldier who would willingly lay down their life for the mission.

It’s not a stretch to see this passage as Jesus’ boot camp for his closest disciples. He was preparing them to go out and preach the good news of the kingdom. It was no small assignment and the preparation was necessary for what they were about to face on the journey.

As you read this passage keep in mind that Jesus was qualifying them to face persecution, betrayal, hostility and demonic forces set against any attempt to advance the gospel. Jesus’ words are strong and sobering. Are you prepared to face resistance regarding your faith in Jesus? Perhaps boot camp is necessary for you too.

Prayer: Father, as You prepare me for my mission on this earth, grant me the grace needed to absorb all I need to know in order to fulfill Your assignment and Your mandate for my life. I willingly submit to the process, trusting You as You teach and prepare me to declare and live out the kingdom in a resistant culture. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #16 Blog.

E3 #14. Jesus Sends the Twelve

Matthew 10:1-23

Jesus gathered his disciples because he had an assignment for them. He was sending them out to share the good news that the kingdom was near. The kingdom i.e. the rule and reign of God. It was time to apply what they were learning.

Jesus knew if he was to send out this rag tag group of normals, they would need power and authority. Therefore Jesus deputized them by conferring His authority to execute the task.

Jesus never gives an assignment without providing the needed resources to fulfill it. He supplies what he calls you to do. As you continue on your journey with Jesus, be confident that what he calls you to, he will equip you for.

Prayer: Father, thank you for the assignments, big and small, that You give along the way. I embrace Your authority to fulfill each mission you bring my way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #15 Blog.



E3 #10. The Widow’s Son

Luke 7:14-30

Her hope was not only deferred, it was completely decimated. Not only had she lost her husband, but now her only son is dead. It was both emotional and practical. She was destitute on every level. It looked impossible to see a brighter tomorrow.

Have you ever been in that place? No hope? No apparent solution? You stood frozen in your fear and inability to face the future. This woman was stuck. Maybe you’re stuck too. But then Jesus saw her and was moved with compassion. He knew she had no hope and he decided to act.

Jesus makes the impossible possible. He shows up on the scene and what was hopeless before now becomes hope-full. What are you facing today that needs the touch of Jesus? Bring it to him in prayer. Place your hope and trust in him today and see what he will do.

Prayer: Father, when all hope is lost and I can’t see what lies before me, I will place my future in Your hands. What you did for one, I believe you will do for all. I need Your help and the touch of Jesus on my situation. I thank You in advance for how this is going to turn for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #11 Blog.

E3 #9. Fisher of Men

Luke 5:1-11

Jesus was a master teacher who often used objects and landmarks that were present to teach lessons about life and the kingdom of God. This moment was no exception. Jesus was teaching a large crowd and he stepped onto Peter’s boat, creating a natural amphitheater so all could hear.

Jesus turned what had been a long and frustrating night on the lake into a teachable moment. What Jesus told Peter to do defied what was the normal protocol for bringing in a catch of fish. It was the wrong time of day, they had been out all night and were beyond exhausted.

Peter’s simple obedient response to Jesus’ directive made all of the difference. The result was nothing short of supernatural. The haul of fish was so large that their nets could barely contain it and started break. One act of plain simple obedience opened the door for a miracle.

When Jesus is in your boat and you are quick to obey even the smallest promptings of his voice, the atmosphere is primed for the miraculous. Will you be quick to obey when he speaks? It could mean the difference between what you can do in your own effort and what Jesus can do above and beyond all that is normal and natural.

Prayer: Father, it is my desire to be quick to obey when You speak. As I read Your word, would you grant me the grace to step out in faith to carry out Your will, Your purpose and Your plan? In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #10 Blog.

E3 #8. John’s Disciples

John 1:35-51

There were three of us in the car. We drove through the dark early morning hours and were the first up the winding mountain road. Full of adrenaline, coffee and anticipation, we rounded a curve and caught the sunrise. We stopped the car.

The view took our breath away and we were speechless as we looked out from 10,000 feet to see the early morning sun rising over a cloud bank. It was stunning. Words cannot do it justice. You had to be there and see it yourself to fully appreciate it.

There are moments when it’s not enough to merely describe a place; you have to see it for yourself. Jesus could have taken time to describe his accomodations, but it would be more meaningful to take them there so they could see it for themselves. “Come and see.”

You have been influenced by places, people and events; some of which defy description. They must be seen and experienced to be fully appreciated. Employ a “Come and see” strategy so that others might come to know Jesus.

Prayer: Father, would You create opportunities for me to invite others to “Come and see” that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life? Would You grant favor as I interact with my family, friends and others that I encounter so that I can invite them to “Come and see?” I will obey as You open the doors this week on my behalf. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #9 Blog.

E3 #6. The Growing Seed

Mark 4:26-29

I grew up in a region where cotton farming was the main industry. Year after year I watched farmers work their land. I never once saw a cotton farmer plant his seed one day and then harvest his crop the next day. I learned that farming was a process that took time.

We live in a microwave-instant-access culture. We are conditioned to expect immediate results; from cell phone data plans to shorter wait times at the drive up. However, this is not typical of God’s method of producing change that is long lasting.

As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, there are things about your life that will take time to develop. Seeds must be planted and time must pass before you get the privilege of reaping the harvest. The law of sowing and reaping is seen throughout the Bible as a basic principle of the Kingdom.

The kind of seed you plant determines the kind of harvest you will reap. Do you need mercy? Sow mercy into others. Do you need grace? Sow grace. Do you need love? Sow love. Do you need hope? Sow hope. Do you need encouragement? Sow encouragement. What kind of seeds have you sown lately?

Prayer: Father, thank you for the consistent principles of Your Kindom. I understand that the seeds I sow will be the harvest I will reap. Grant me grace to sow the seeds that will bring about eternal and lasting change for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click HERE to go to the E3 #7 Blog.

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E3 #5. Authority Over Spirits


Luke 4:31-37

It’s one thing for a police officer to attempt to direct traffic in his street clothes and a whole other thing for that same officer to step into a busy intersection with his uniform on, badge exposed and gun on his belt.

The difference is conferred and revealed authority. He has been given authority by the state and his badge and uniform announce to all that he carries power to govern, keep the peace and act as needed.

In like manner, Jesus came to this earth with the full backing of the kingdom of heaven and God himself to exercise authority over all of the power of the demonic realm. Jesus understood who He was and the authority He carried.

What does this mean for you? If you are “in Christ,” you have been given authority over all the power of the demonic realm. You are deputized to walk in power, strength and authority. Let this truth inspire you to walk in peace and confidence today.

Prayer: Father, thank you for the privilege of receiving the same authority that Jesus displayed. Because I have been given power over demonic spirits, I need not live in fear. Therefore, I embrace the gift of authority and I choose to dwell in continual peace, trust and confidence. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Click HERE to go to the E3 #6 Blog.